Tax Valuations


Tax Valuations

Our tax valuation specialists offer a very personal service. To discuss your specific requirements, contact a member of Shepherd’s team today.

Inheritance Tax

The winding-up of an estate of a client who has passed away often requires inheritance tax criteria to be met, which includes ascertaining the worth of the deceased’s property at the relevant date. Shepherd’s team can provide an accurate valuation of the property at the relevant date.

Our team comprises former staff members of the valuation office agency, who possess an in-depth understanding of the process, the people involved, and the tolerances to which they work.

You can find out more about inheritance tax property valuations in Scotland here

Capital Gains Tax

Clients who have decided to dispose of non-main residence properties can often be in the fortunate position of holding an asset that has increased in value. This gain can often be exposed to ‘Capital Gains Tax’ and Shepherd’s team can use its extensive access to local information to provide relevant date valuations as at the date of disposal.

  • Capital Gains Tax and how this impacts non-UK resident landlords:
    Under current legislation, non-UK residents who own property now have a requirement to report Capital Gains on the disposal of UK residential property, including rental properties, within 30 days. It is important to note that non-UK residents who have owned the residential property prior to the date of 6th April 2015 will require a valuation at this date to establish the extent to which Capital Gains Tax they may be due.
  • Where Shepherd can help:
    Shepherd has a number of surveyors with a wealth of experience and expertise in the provision of accurate and efficient valuation advice to non-UK domiciled landlords and can undertake any subsequent negotiations with HMRC on the landlord’s behalf should the need arise. We have an extensive track record of achieving positive outcomes for our clients.

Council Tax Appeals

Under present legislation, an incoming occupier may appeal the banding of Council Tax. Our dedicated team has experience in successfully appealing and negotiating with assessors and achieving reductions in bands.

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